Thursday, November 29, 2007


It's official! I now own two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large folder of legal documents, and more interest payments than my entire house is worth! =) Today was the closing on my condominium and now I am a homeowner!

The closing today was rather anti-climatic after all the stories I'd heard. Over the past few days, I have discovered that closing stories are like birthing stories. Most people have one and they love to share the story with novices, particularly if the story is gory, gruesome, or graphic. ;+) I wasn't quite sure what to expect after all the stories I had heard, but my closing was fairly non-eventful. There was a small discrepancy in the closing cost numbers and it caused some drama for a short while, but it all got worked out and within the hour I walked out of the office with a place of my own!

As soon as the closing was over, I went to my new house and walked around my rooms. It's MINE! I feel somewhat like a two-year-old who doesn't want to relinquish her new toy on Christmas. =) I DID manage to leave eventually with the promise of a celebratory dinner with my family on the Marietta Square.

I'm very grateful for my family during this whole process. My goal was to complete this process on my own - my first real "big girl" step - and I did! But it has been a great comfort for me to have my family by my side in support. My dad came to the closing as moral support and after the little snafu that occurred, I am glad he was there. Though I am a "SINGLE WOMAN" (as I was reminded by two more sheets of paper that I signed today), I do have a great family! They've encouraged me throughout this entire experience. Thanks, fam. Love you.

And thanks to all of my friends and loved ones who have encouraged me during this process as well. I'm looking forward to having you all over to MY HOUSE! And then you can see the pen I used to sign all my documents at the closing. I took it from the lawyer's office, so now I guess it is MINE too. =)