Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm In!

(Posted a little late- oops):
There are boxes everywhere and the paint is barely dry, but I'm in! Friday the 7th was moving day and it was quite successful. My parents' gift of a moving company was an incredible present. I can't imagine having to move my washing machine, sofa, bed, etc. up those stairs! My first night in the condo went fairly well except for the loud crash in the middle of the night. I had just gotten into bed and turned off the light after unpacking boxes when somewhere in the recesses of my new place, a precariously perched parcel decided to plummet to the ground. I jumped out of bed and held my 18 inch Maglite flashlight as a weapon, ready to defend my new home. Luckily, my ninja skills were not necessary that night and I found the offending package instead of an intruder. Other than the attack of cardboard boxes, I feel very safe in my new place. My neighbors are friendly and watchful (a major plus of living in a community with several retired persons), my condo is on the top floor, and I am in a quiet area. This is my new neighborhood - and it's a beautiful day there. (Do you like the Mr. Rogers allusion? I try to keep it fresh). =)