Monday, October 27, 2008

30 things to do before I turn 30

It has been almost a year since my last post. I could attribute the lapse to a lack of time to squander online, but we all know that I make time for other activities so that excuse won't hold. I could say that I've had nothing interesting to write about, but that also isn't true. If I'm honest with myself, the real reason I have neglected my blog is that my Oxford blog got such great response from friends and family that I was overwhelmed by the pressure. I felt the need to write my follow-up blogs so impressively that I was stymied. Essentially, it's all about my pride.

Nevertheless, here I am again and I am determined to continue writing. Really, I've missed typing words, highlighting them, deleting, and starting over. As a genuine literary nerd, I truly enjoy the writing process. All the drafting, editing, and revising makes my world go 'round. So here I am... at a new phase in my blog.

My return to the blogging world was sparked by a conversation I had recently about my list of 30 things to do before I turn 30. I created the list in the summer of 2006 as a way to push myself beyond my comfort zone, and I have now accomplished fourteen of the goals. Unfortunately, I have only until February of 2010 to finish the other 16. I have decided to blog about my list - the ones I have already accomplished and the ones I still need to master. I'll try to catch up on the ones I've already done, and I'll continue to post as I check another one off my list.

Let's start with the official list. This idea was inspired by my pal Eric who also created his list in 2006 and told me about it. He and I met in the honors dorm our freshman year at Clemson. We were the only English majors in a sea of engineers, so you could say our friendship was destined by the fate that rules the pages of all great literature. When he told me about his idea, I was intrigued and immediately began drafting my own list. I made a few versions that summer but finally decided on the final draft. Here you go:

30 things to do before I turn 30
created summer 2006
~in no particular order~
  1. Become proficient in another language
  2. Earn another degree or certificate
  3. Read through the entire Bible
  4. Take a Latin or Swing dance class
  5. Visit a new* state
  6. Do something outside my comfort zone
  7. Win something
  8. Knit / crochet something other than a scarf
  9. Complete a top-level Sudoku puzzle
  10. Perform something for an audience
  11. Face a fear
  12. Learn to drive a stick-shift
  13. Go on a date
  14. Publish something
  15. Design and plant a garden
  16. Watch a sunset on a west-coast beach
  17. Visit a new* museum
  18. Do something that makes me feel like an adult
  19. Go to Boston in the fall
  20. Learn to play all of "Moonlight Sonata" on the piano
  21. Jump off of something high
  22. Learn to play another instrument
  23. Play my french horn again
  24. Go somewhere "out west"
  25. Visit with an old friend
  26. Watch a storm from a porch
  27. Ride a bicycle somewhere interesting
  28. Visit a new* country
  29. Hike a new* trail
  30. Cook a gourmet meal
* new = new to me

So there it is... quite a list! 14 down, 5 in progress, 11 remaining. The ones in bold font are the ones I've already done. Those in italics are works in progress. The rest are looming over my head (and staring at me each day from the list on my refrigerator door).

I welcome your comments about my list or your suggestions on how to accomplish my remaining goals. The only words I don't want to read are those reminding me how soon I'll be 30! I don't have a lot of time to get all these done. Help! =)