Monday, November 3, 2008

#19: Go to Boston in the Fall: Completed 10/31-11/2/08

There is something thrilling about traveling. I get a serious high from packing my bags and getting on a plane to visit a new location. Each new journey brings a new experience, but there are some certainties involved in travel, too. For instance, it doesn't matter which line I get in to go through security, I am destined to get stuck behind the people who has never traveled on a plane before IN THEIR LIVES. This species of traveler is fascinating to me. It doesn't matter how many signs point out the "3 oz liquids" rule or the "take off your shoes" advice or the "if you're wearing jewelry and a belt buckle and you're carrying $6 in change in your pockets you're GONNA SET OFF THE METAL DETECTOR" advisory, these people will ignore them all. Then I have to wait behind them as they repeatedly walk up to the detector and return to drop something else in a bin when it beeps at them. Meanwhile, I had my shoes, jacket, and purse in a bin within 2.4 seconds and am trying my best to put on my patient face (you know - the one I use with students who STILL don't get it after I've explained it in a variety of ways, even resorting to interpretive dance). And you can't tell these people by looking at them. Some folks appear well-seasoned, but that facade quickly disappears when the gruff security agent barks at them for the second time. By the third harsh command, they dissolve into a melted pile of matching luggage and excessive metal. This experience happened to me again on the way to Boston. Nevertheless, I ended up making it through security (eventually) and continued on my exciting journey!

I was SO EXCITED that I got to go to Boston this weekend. There was debate about whether my trip was inspired by the Veggie Tales song or from the advice from folks who say New England is the most beautiful during the fall. Let's say it was a combination of the two. =)

I traveled to Boston to meet my friend Patty. We were college friends who met our freshman year in a Bible study in our dorm and we've stayed in touch ever since. The purpose of the trip was twofold: catch up with an old friend and watch the Tigers play!

We stayed in a great hotel in Brookline (a lovely section of Boston) and traveled into the city to see the sights. For time's sake, I'll just give the highlights:

Friday night 10/31/08:
When I arrived in Boston, I figured out the T to get to the hotel and then I walked around Brookline to get familiar with the area. I bought three books at a used bookstore. I'm such a nerd. =)

Patty arrived and we went into town. We walked around the Fanueil Hall/ Quincy Market area and finally found a place to eat.

Lobster Special! 1 1/4 lb lobster for $12.99!! It was DE-LISH. Then the waiter, dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow, gave us light-up devil horns since it was Halloween. It is not often that I am served lobster by a pirate while wearing devil horns. ;+)

After dinner, we walked to the North End and ate dessert at Mike's Pastry. Of COURSE I got the Boston Cream Pie!

After more walking around, we met up with my college pal Eric and his fiancee, Angileigh, who were also in town for the game. I always enjoy spending time with Clemson fans. =)

Saturday 11/1/08:
Patty and I decided to wake up early so we could get started on the Freedom Trail. The following list is the sites in the order we saw them as we walked along the trail. The sites in bold font are the posted pictures from the Freedom Trail:

- Boston Common
- Robert Gould Shaw / 54th Massachusetts Memorial (not officially part of the trail, but I was so excited to see it - I love the movie Glory!)
- State House

- Granary Burying Ground & Park Street Church
- King's Chapel & Burying Ground

- First Public School site
- Old South Meeting House
- Old Corner Bookstore
- Boston Massacre Site

- Old State House
- Faneuil Hall
- Paul Revere House
- Old North Church
- Copp's Hill Burying Ground

The tour of the first part of Freedom Trail included a LOT of walking and some delightful consumption of Boston Chowda at Quincy Market =)

Clemson Tigers V. Boston College Eagles. My grandfather got me tickets to the game, so we had awesome seats in the 4th row in the endzone. It was an ugly game and it seemed that the Tigers weren't going to pull it off, but they did! It was exciting to win (27-21) and the team went crazy afterward. They ran over to the stands where we stood cheering and started tossing up their armbands, headbands - I think I even saw a sock flying. ;+)

Sunday 11/2/08:

Breakfast with my cousin Brianna and her boyfriend Bob at a tiny Creperie in Brookline. YUM. I think I need to live where there is a Creperie - or start my own!

I finished the Freedom Trail! Patty and I walked across the bridge to the Bunker Hill Monument and climbed the 294 stairs. I felt each one of them! I was grateful that they were marked at every 50 so I could keep up with how far I had gone. The views from the top were worth the 294 stairs. Did I mention there were 294 of them??

Then we walked on to the USS Constitution. Sadly, we were on a time constraint by this point and I didn't have time to wait for the next available tour, so I only got to walk up the plank to peek at the top of the deck - and I had to sweet-talk the Navy guard into that much! I still haven't set foot on Old Ironsides - but I have now seen the inspiration for the poem!

The return trip was via ferry - a nice way to travel! And then I was off to the airport for my flight home.

So that was it! I will need to go back because I didn't get to see half of what I wanted. On my list for the return trip is Cambridge, Harvard, the first public library, Concord, Walden Pond, and so much more!

Maybe I'll add those items to my "40 before 40" list!