Thursday, October 30, 2008

#18: Do something that makes me feel like an adult: Buying my first home! Completed 11/29/07

My blog posts from the fall of 2007 (particularly 11/29) describe the event that ushered me into adulthood. In addition to the tidbits of grown-up life I experienced through the process, I gained at least one other really useful piece of knowledge from the home-buying experience:

IKEA bookcases were designed by the devil to make people swear more. Determined to do some "handiwork" on my own, I decided to assemble two large sets of shelves I had recently purchased at the design-on-a-dime mecca known as IKEA. I've always fancied myself something of an analytical genius. You know - someone who could test into the CIA and become a spy simply based on my ability to put together a jigsaw puzzle. Unfortunately, my prowess at solving puzzles did not translate well to the shelf-building process. I am very good at reading and following directions, but when the devil has interceded in the design process there is not much hope for even the most literate and analytical person. After a smashed thumb and a few audible expletives, I finally managed to get the shelves assembled. The result is worth the pain and frustration I endured, but I hope one day I will be able to purchase a piece of furniture without the evil words on the box: Assembly Required.