Saturday, June 23, 2007

Getting Started...

I've never been one to jump on the technological bandwagon, but this impending trip to England has caused two leaping experiences in a short time. Not only do I have a facebook, I am also now writing a blog. Will the insanity ever end? =)

My inspiration for this was Neill Blake (thanks Neill!), my mother's dear friend and kidney donor (thanks again, Neill - happy 5th kidney-versary!), who told me she looked forward to seeing what I was doing in Oxford through my blog--or however I planned to keep folks posted. Since I had nothing planned, this seemed as good an idea as any. So I invite you to venture with me into the cyberjungle as I attempt to write coherent thoughts that accurately depict my experiences in Oxford!

Today: Saturday 23 June, 2007 (did you notice I'm using the European format for the date in preparation?) =)
Location: Marietta, GA
Days to departure: 4
Books left to read before class starts: tooooo many
Adventure status: minimal - unless you count braving the crowds at Ikea as an adventure =)
Recent activities: Brandy McGee's wedding last night (congrats Brandy and Rob! see pictures for KMHS teachers at the wedding); new haircut (still adjusting to it - again, check out the pictures); dinner with Bethie (love the wedding pictures - yay! I'd post those if it weren't against copyright laws!)
Reflective thought on what I've learned today: Life is better when lived for God and lived in honesty with others