Monday, July 16, 2007

Day 16: Tea and a Party (but not a Tea Party)

Let’s talk about tea. Actually, how about I write and you read? =) Tea is one of the delights of living in England. Tea is served in our common room at Exeter College each afternoon. Proper tea is available at any of the little eateries around Oxford. And on Saturday I got to experience “High Tea” at the Macdonald Randolph Hotel in the heart of Oxford. Holly, one of Jason’s co-workers, treated me to High Tea at the hotel (think Ritz Carlton- style).

We had a lovely time sipping our tea and eating our treats as we looked out on the streets of Oxford and the Ashmolean Museum across the way. I loved it! I had Assam tea, a rich amber-coloured black tea, while Holly had the Earl Gray. Since Mom and I went to a tea workshop in Marietta, I am well-schooled in proper tea etiquette. =)

The relaxed atmosphere ended when I got home, though. Jason was hosting a cook-out and preparations needed to be made! I helped get the house in order (those of you who know my avoidance of housework will be happy to note that I actually cleaned!) and helped prepare all the food. There were about 20 people present, a good number for the house. Several little kids were running around and somehow I ended up with all four of them in the backyard and I was the new toy. Holly’s son Ryan wrapped his arms around me when his sister Sarah came up to play with me and shouted, “No! This is MINE!” I didn’t realize I was such a hot commodity. =)

The evening was a success and everyone seemed to have a great time. My favourite parts were the super-sweet fudge that Holly brought (yum!) and chatting with all the folks I had met at previous events (like the 4th of July bash). I enjoyed playing hostess even though it was not my house or my party! Actually, I think it makes it easier when it ISN’T my house or my party because then I can do what needs to be done, but not stress too much over it because… it’s not my responsibility! =)

Date: 14 July 2007
Location: Oxford and Bicester
- High Tea with Holly
- playing with the little ones and getting my “kid fix” – enough to hold me for at least a month! =)
- not having to stress over hosting a party
Phrase of the Day: “Bless his cotton socks” – I overheard a woman say this on the bus. I found it amusing. What if he were wearing wool socks? Why the socks and not a t-shirt? But then, there are LOTS of sayings that are absolutely silly when one thinks about it. If you wish, comment with YOUR favourite saying. =)