Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day 30: A Day in Ruins (Saturday)

A day in ruins... much more literally than figuratively, though! =)

Leaving the hectic pace of the city, we began our journey towards Cork. Along the way we stopped at Cashel, a small village, with a large monastic ruin atop a large hill at the center of the city. The ruins were an impressive sight as we drove in on the small road. The admission price included an informative tour from a guide named "Ashling", a very popular name here. The location dates back to waaaaay long ago, and the oldest standing buildings are from the 12th century. I still can't figure out why it took people so long to learn how to build roofs... none of these buildings have them ;+)

On the tour, I learned that this rock is connected to St. Patrick. One of the legends says that whoever hops around the rock in an anti-clockwise direction (Irish term) will be married within the year. I chose NOT to test the legend because 1) I don't like time limits, and 2) the rock is a replica of the one inside their museum and I bet it wouldn't work anyway! Nevertheless, I touched it just in case something rubs off. =)

After a nice homemade lunch in Cashel at Granny's Kitchen, we drove to Blarney. GPS doesn't like Ireland very much, so it took us a while to find Blarney Castle. (more on this later) Once we finally located it, we walked around the grounds and up to the ruins. I had to carry my umbrella the whole time; the ancient folks in Blarney apparently didn't know how to make roofs either. =) It was a well-defended castle in its time, so it seems strange how much freedom visitors have now. We could walk in all the rooms, through all the corridors, and up all the staircases. Nothing was off-limits!

So I bet you're wondering if I kissed the Blarney Stone. It was still raining and I was hesitant to lie down on the soaked stone floor. Also, I was a little put-off by the idea of putting my lips on a rock that has been touched by thousands of people's mouths every year for hundreds of years, but the company is good (Winston Churchill, royals, etc.) and the lure was too much. Though some may say I don't need any help with talking, I still decided to take advantage of the chance to get the "gift of gab" the Stone supposedly bestows. The older Irish gentleman who was assisting the "kissers" helped me assume the position to begin the smooching session. I had to lie on my back, scootch up to the wall, lean over backwards, and kiss the stone upside down! As I sat down to begin the process, he asked me if I was a good kisser. I just laughed and shrugged. When he helped me return upright, he said that for a girl who didn't brag about kissing, I was clearly skilled in the technique. What a scoundrel! =) I don't have a picture of this event, but Jason got a video of it. I'll put that online when I can figure out how to do it... or just ask me to see it later!

After Blarney, we drove into Cork on the way to our B&B, but the city looked a lot like Dublin - just a little smaller and dirtier... I wasn't impressed. Our B&B was out in the country past Cork and it was a lovely location. We ended up driving out to a smaller town on the coast: Kinsale, the "gourmet capital of Ireland". It was a pretty view and we had a good seafood meal out there. The town seemed much newer, though - no ruins there. =)

Date: 28 July 2007
Location: Cashel, Blarney, Cork, Kinsale
- Rock of Cashel (thanks for the recommendation, Mom! never found the lamb stew place, though... =( )
- Kissin' th' Blaaarney Stohne
- The nicest B&B yet
Thought of the day: I really like ancient stuff - especially ruins. I think I could walk around piles of old stones all day! =)