Sunday, July 1, 2007

Day 3: Brilliant Introduction

Today was BRILLIANT! I have heard that word so many times today and I am definitely going to incorporate it into my vocabulary – along with “shattered” for “tired,” “gutted” for “sad,” and “Cheers!” for anytime use. For an amusing note on the use of “brilliant,” check out Kate’s comment on my blog from Day 1.

This morning Jason and I found a church in Banbury to attend – Banbury Community Church. I heard my new vocabulary words in use when some people discussed their recent trip taking underprivileged children to Wales. The entire trip was “brilliant,” the children behaved “brilliantly,” and everyone had a “brilliant” time, but they were “shattered” when they got home and everyone was “gutted” when they said goodbye to the kids. The people were so welcoming, and they served tea after the service. I love friendly people – and tea (with cream and sugar, of course). =)

This afternoon, I went into Oxford for my first introduction to the English Literature Summer Programme. As trite as it sounds, I felt like I stepped into a dream world when I walked through the Porter’s Gate at Exeter College. The heavy wooden door opened and I entered a lush green quad surrounded by high stone walls dotted with stained glass windows. I registered for my programme with little issue, found my way to the meeting room, made a few friends along the way, listened to the introductory seminar, and then got to socialize. We met in the “Fellowes Garden” for drinks and I had a fascinating discussion with the Shakespearian professor and a fellow teacher regarding the relevance of Julius Caesar to today’s youth. Then we ate a four course meal in the dining hall that looked like something out of Harry Potter. I expected floating candelabras to descend at any moment!
Since many of the participants are teachers in their states and countries, we discussed literature, teaching, and what we wanted to see in England over our delicious meal. Great food, intelligent conversation, beautiful and historic surroundings - this is as close to my ultimate dream world as I’ve ever found.

Date: 1 July 2007
Location: Banbury and Oxford
Adventure Status: Moderate-High: Discovering more portions of Oxford, exploring the Exeter campus, meeting new people, discussing advanced literary topics with people who know a lot more than I do
- Worshipping in England and listening to people sing praise songs with British accents
- Making new acquaintances with common interests
Thoughts of the Day:
God is God everywhere – it’s great to see how people worship in other places – and remember we’re worshipping the same God.
Look BOTH ways before crossing the street because I can never remember from which direction the cars are coming! =)