Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 4: The First Day of School

This is how I know I'm a nerd: I love the first day of class! =) My programme in English Literature is set up with a plenary session each morning (9-10:30), a short break, and then two courses scheduled twice a week in either the morning (11-1) or afternoon (2-4) . This is a picture of where I get to take classes - the old buildings surrounding the green quad in Exeter College. I arrived for the plenary lecture on Monday morning and listened to a professor speak on the connection between the Golden Ratio and Medieval poetry (like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl). It's about the only time math has made any sense to me! Following the plenary session, we attended our specific courses. I went to my class on Jane Austen's novels with a professor who clearly knows her subject! There are only twelve in the class, so she encourages discussion and participation from the students. Though I love Austen's writing, I describe myself as an ignorant admirer; I don't think I know enough about her life, influences, or contemporaries to adequately discuss her works. That's why I'm taking the course - I am here to learn! There are those in the class, though, who love to hear themselves talk - and they did it quite often. One woman is completing her Master’s thesis on Austen and was delighted to display her knowledge. I want to avoid being the person who annoys the others with inane comments, so I did not open my mouth except to introduce myself. Following class, I spoke briefly with my professor to thank her for what I got out of the session and she encouraged me to participate verbally, saying she could tell I have much to contribute. Apparently I look like a jabbermouth. =) Perhaps I’ll contribute more in the coming sessions, but I am finally learning in life that it is better to speak only when I can improve the discussion – not just add noise!

Following class, I explored another side street and found a little sandwich shop for lunch. Then I met up with a few girls from the programme and we did some window shopping around Oxford. When it began to pour rain (as it has done every day since my arrival), we ducked into a little eatery (called “The Buttery”) for afternoon tea. It was a proper tea, complete with scones, jam, and clotted cream. Yum! I had a grand plan that I would lose a few pounds while I was in England since I’d be walking everywhere. The amount of food I’m consuming, though, and the fact that everything here is made with heavy cream, high fat, and is often fried makes me think that I’ll be gaining weight instead. So much for my great expectations (ha!). At least I’ll enjoy it!

Date: 2 July 2007
Location: Oxford
- First day of school butterflies
- Afternoon tea with scones! (“Stupid English breakfast food!” – anyone recognize the reference?)
- Learning about the Oxford Library System in a training seminar
- Meeting Professor Byrne (PhD) , my Jane Austen tutor
Thoughts of the Day:
Acquaintances become friends in a foreign country.
The Boston Tea Party was a serious waste. =)